Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Kaiju Week: Day 5 Creation of Filler

Day five, getting very close! Just two more days until Pacific Rim! Whats today's topic?

Return of the burn!
Today's post is rather short because I sadly don't have very many figures in this scale. Here is Burning Godzilla again. Only much larger! he has articulation in his tail, his hips, above his elbows, and his neck. Produced by Bandai Creation for the North American market, these figures are very similar to their Japanese counterparts. Noted, mostly. There is nothing wrong with this guy, the only real difference between this and the JP version is the slightly different head sculpt. Just something to point out. Great detail, good scale around seven inches I think. Would look great next to the Neca Knifehead kaiju figure don't you think? Moving on...

Presenting a Red Lobster that won't ruin your dinner...
Here is the Bandai Creation Destroyah. He has joints on his elbows, hips, tail end, and on all four wings.. Good sculpt, nice paint apps. But the one thing that bugs me about this mold is the fact when you look at his neck it is clearly crooked to the right for some reason. And on close inspection on the back of his neck, it looks like it was meant to be another joint that was sealed in. Despite that, this figure is cool! And the best way to get my hands on a larger Des figure without paying crazy import prices. Perfect scale with the above Burning Godzilla figure too!

My last Bandai Creation figure, this one being the only Mothra they have available (I think, that might of changed recently). This is Rainbow Mothra from "Rebirth of Mothra 2" and subsequently the sequel. Rainbow Mothra is also known as Mothra Leo who is the first male Mothra in Toho continuity, whom the Rebirth films are about. Leo ends up having more forms than most video game bosses. This one I like for the great color patterns on his wings, and sleek design. Overall I really like this figure, he is a good stand in for my old Trendmasters bendy Mothra given her current condition. Overall I can easily recommend the Bandai Creation figures. Nice detail, decent articulation, and good kaiju picks.

Super Sentai Super Syber Squad
Just because I wanted to extend this post a tad bit more, here are some completely unrelated figures! The left figure is a figure of the Power Rangers Zeo Megazord. He has since lost his shoulder pads, but other than that is still fine. A switch on it's back allows you to position the arm for a sort of "slap" mechanic. Basically supporting "Pimp Slap Action". I used to have all these Zords in full size. Even Pyramidas briefly until iwe realized one of the pieces came broke with it. We returned it for something else that I can't remember. Shame considering how freaking huge that thing was (at the time). Makes me miss my Serpentera toy too.

The figure on the right is Drago from Super Human Samurai Syber Squad. I loved getting up for this show and watching it before the school bus arrived. Drago being my obvious favorite thing about the show (besides the monsters). I don't remember seeing him appear enough as a kid though. Sadly all the figures of the kaiju from this show were lost in a move. I managed to hold onto one that I took with me personally but even he eventually went missing.

That is it for today! Tomorrow things will get "a little shaky". Stay tuned!


  1. I've got that burning Godzilla too! I think the only other Bandai figure I've bought is Kiryu. Although I do also have a Megalon and Titanosaurus that are about the same size, material, etc, I got those too at a thrift store so I've no idea how old they are...

    Also, I have Drago too! I never knew anything about the show, but when I saw a big red t-rex robot that looked like a zord I just had to get it!

  2. Hah I guess today is double post day...but OMG YOU TOTALLY STIRRED MY MEMORY WHEN YOU MENTIONED SHSSS KAIJU! I had this guy too! http://www.figurerealm.com/actionfigure.php?FID=20382&figure=hock I totally forgot about it until just now, no idea if I still have it, but he was awesome!

    1. The show had alot of neat monster designs, the figures I had from it were mostly the smallest ones though.
