Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dinos on Safari or vice versa

Good to see everyone this week(end)! Labor day! Hooray for holidays! Whats up? How about some Safari-saurs?

South Bronx
Showing they are MUCH better with dinosaurs than dragons, lets start off this post with Baryonx. A dinosaur with an awesome name, if for nothing more than it has an X in it. This figure is great, but as Safari sometimes does, this is nothing more than a scaled down version of a larger figure. Good detail and I love the patterns. Definite thumbs up here.

Dime a doz.. I already used that joke.
Even for Safari, Dimetrodons seem pretty standard. Hell I got doubles in the mega tube. I really like the color scheme on these Dimetrodons for some reason. Maybe because they somehow remind me of a sunset. Dimetrodons at Sunset sounds like a great title.

Noire grey
Another dinosaur based on a larger model. Overall, not bad with some great details. It might just be me but the head seems a little large. I like the patterns on this one too. Though the current model looks much cooler.

Not my favorite Allosaurus model for sure, that honor goes to Papo. God that thing is freaking cool. This is ok, the weakest one in this set to me. It feels more like "generic therapod" than an Allo. Nothing jumps out at me as particularly note-worthy.

Journey to the Center of the Box
It is no secret I love sea creatures of all types. Plesiosaurs being some of my favorites. These two are not based on larger figures as far as I can tell. I like the Elasmosaurus more than the Kronodon for simply having a nicer pose. Though it's paint is nicer too. Still cool figures, sea monsters always welcome! We could stand to have a few toylines based on the concept alone. I had an idea for one, once in fact!

Always ends this way doesn't it?
Of course we come to the Tyrannosaurus Rex last. Best to end on a high note right? This might actually be my absolute favorite Tyrannosaur within the box. Neat pose, great detail, and I like the stripes! Looks fierce enough to tackle any other contenders for certain. Really I can't say anything bad about him. Not entirely sure if that pose was possible, but it still looks neat. I can't believe he isn't based on a nicer large figure. If he was I'd certainly own that too.

So concludes another tiring week, catch you later!