Thursday, May 16, 2013


This week we take a look at the series that spawned the very first dinosaur posted about on this blog. Upon further inspection of similar figures, I realize they all came from a window box package from the 90's. Ahhh the 90's, truly was there no greater time. Awww here it goes!

File Photo

They are all from a company known as U.K.R.D. What that stands for I haven't a clue, as the only mentions I can find of it are from other (better) dinosaur toy blogs and an unrelated set of British radio stations or something. U.K.R.D. is a line that is obviously not known for it's realism. It likely sprang up to follow the dinosaur craze brought forth by Jurassic Park and quickly faded back into nothing once it was over. Their figures seemed to be everywhere at the time though. I used to own a two pack of an Allosaurus and Ankylosaur, sadly both have been lost over time.

They see me cloning...

First up is a Tyrannosaurus Rex that is identical to the above in all but paint job (and stupid cool hip hop style attitude obviously, you can't teach that). Can't say I ever thought as much of this one as the green one, the colors are just duller. Surprisingly I've had a lot of yellow Tyrannosaurs over the years. No clue as to why that is a popular color. Sans Cheesasaurus, have there been any famous yellow tyrannosaurs? Incidentally, I used to have two much larger tyrannos, one green, the other yellow. The green one was by Imperial while the yellow one I have no idea where it came from. The Imperial one just comes with a tag and can still be found in the aisle of cheap toys at Walmart or Bimart or other big box stores occasionally  You know the one, the spot on the racks where they put all the cheaply made stuff that you glance over unless you are really desperate for a gift. Or me and looking for something crazy. While the yellow one was in a cardboard display box. Both got sold together at a yard sale as a kid. It is for this reason I am often tempted to buy that Imperial rex when I see it on the shelf now and then. There is just something classic about it's design.

Like mother like son?

These two Stegosaurs work pretty well together, the larger one I always assumed to be the mother or something, "she" has better detail and I like her more narrow face. Her muted colors are nicer too. They both fail on the spines being symmetrical, but a grand majority of stego toys do that by default. Can't really expect much more out of U.K.R.D. than a majority of companies. Their colors make me think of flannel shirts for some reason. Wish I had some jokes to fill this section out...

Larger than life, and standing out from the crowd

The top Para is pretty much the largest one within the box, and did not come with rest of these figures. I'm pretty sure it came within a two pack but I can not for the life of me remember what the second dinosaur was. Pretty dull colors, and is basically solid rubber. When you knock somebody down with this, they stay down. Never used this one much. I do remember there was a repaint of this one with stripes. That sounds a lot better. Probably would of been prettier if I sent it soaring in your direction too. As for the blue one, I like this guy! Not a conventional color but it looks neat, he certainly stands out. Come on hes BLUE! Don't lie you were begging for that reference. If you were not, we have nothing to discuss.

Jurassic Probably Not

Here is a pair of Velociraptors, and wow are these still the strangest "raptors" I own after all this time. They really have no menace to them at all. Their toe claws are just gigantic, color schemes are strange, and they have bird faces. Bird faces.For some reason they make me think of rejected Beanie Babies. Look at their hands! They look like the paws of a de-clawed cat. These dudes are seriously not trying to scare anyone. Maybe thats their angle... Lull you into a false sense of security and then pull their faces off to reveal.. I don't know, Xenomorphs or something actually scary. Because this is definitely not it. I'd settle for interesting.

Dime a dozen

Here we come to the essential Dimetrodon. Still obviously not dinosaurs. Still incapable of doing the macarena. These Dimetrodons aren't half bad actually. They are actually some of my favorites within the box. Nice detail, slightly menacing faces, good neutral pose. They have worn a bit over the years however, with purple marks on their sails. The flesh color actually works here for some reason. Though as an adult, it does seem like it has old man skin..

To dwell in mediocrity

Really I can't find anything special about either of these guys. The top green one is labeled Edmontosaurus, while the bottom is a Pachycephalosaurus. They are just so average. The Pachy had deformed legs and couldn't stand until I placed something between his feet for a few days to "un-deform" the plastic enough to get his legs in a better position. Basically they are both Carlton.

Tall and Armored

This is likely the first actual Brachiosaurus figure I've owned. Similar to the Jurassic park type, but with a bit more colorful pattern. Not bad, though the pain apps could of been done better on the lower half. The Ankylosaur here is certainly different. Decent detail with... A horned nose? What? Make it look kind of like an old iguanadon reconstruction. Ok figure, it has some wear from over the years, notably on one of it's head knobs and an area on it's back. Wonder if it was damaged in a Bumble Ball incident.

Are you Horny to win?

Up next is is a Trirceratops and a Styracosaurus. Now I don't know about you, but when I grew up alot of depictions of Styrac made them look at least a little scary. This one, is not in the slightest. It's horns are too small, polka dots hardly calls horror to mind. The Triceratops is ok, decent colors, but his beak is HUGE. I also believe I have squeezed enough 90's references at this point, and All That.

Hail to a King

Last up we have the mainstay of the set. A larger Tyrannosaurs Rex. Not bad, good detail, and surprisingly purple... And yellow. Decent figure, I remember watching the Eyewitness Dinosaur episode and seeing this guy among the many dinosaur toys they showcase in various segments. So this guy at least gets an honorable mention there.

Thats all for this week!


  1. I have a few of these as well. To clear up the horned Ankylosaur mystery, I'd like to point out that oldschool depictions of Scolosaurus used to (incorrectly of course) give it a nose spike. The creator of this sculpt probably didn't know there was a difference between it an Ankylosaurus and just slapped it on there. That's my theory anyway, haha.

    1. Ahh, thats a sound theory. You sound like a good plastic paleozoic consultant for things like this lol.
